
What's for Dinner

On top of being a photographer, I am also in charge of running our home, which includes cooking. I love to cook, its another creative outlet for me. This post is for the produce co-op I belong to. This dish, as I know it, is called kielbasie, the first time I was introduced to kielbasie was at the fairground in Delaware, (this is where I spent my high school days). Very basic ingredients: garlic, onion, bellpeppers red and green, Kielbasa Sausage. I start by throwing the peppers and kielbasa on the grill, and in a large hot pan put in butter, garlic, and the onions, and it really starts to smell good. When the peppers and kielbasa get a little black take them off the grill and chop them up and add to the onion mix. Let it all simmer together untill it looks like the pic below and them put it on some rice and enjoy.




Stephanie said...

looks delicious!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

I love kielbasa. this looks awesome. please start a food blog. OR... post some tips n your blog about food photography. thanks.

emlizalmo said...

Oh man Mark...I can SMELL it!

April Kennedy said...

Mark....haha we found you! It's Dave and April Kennedy (well April here right now!) Dave has spent quite a bit of time though looking through your blog. Your pictures are amazing and that dinner looks down right yummy. I do a lot of the prepping and planning of our meals, but Dave does a lot of the cooking/grilling. Can't believe you live in Hawaii...lucky...so jealous. Come visit on our blog www.4kennedys.blogspot.com. Have a good one.